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World March Event in Kuala Lumpur
By Kuala Lumpur News Group (Originally in English)
During an interview, Malaysian celebrity actress, Maya Karin,
appealed to all concerned Malaysians to reduce their meat consumption
which she believes is one of the major contributors to global warming.
She further elaborated that each and every individual could also do their
part by eliminating the use of plastic packaging materials. We thank Ms.
Maya Karin and all participants for their endeavors in helping to create
a better and healthier environment for all.
By Johore Bahru News Group (Originally in Chinese)
[Johore Bahru] To help young children understand the cause of global warming, its impact on climate change along with the solution, initiates from the Johore Bahru Center held a “Be Veg! Go Green! Save the Planet!” event at the Pei Hwa Primary School in Kota Tinggi. Participants included 144 students from three primary schools and four kindergartens. The event featured a colouring and painting competition, displays showcasing Master’s life and achievements, as well as an exhibition on environmental protection. In addition to showing relevant videos, the initiates also prepared some global warming DVDs and flyers as well as information on how to make eco-friendly enzymes, for parents to take freely. Master’s #1 International bestseller The Noble Wilds and The Realization of Health were also contributed to the libraries of the primary schools. ![]() The initiates were very grateful to the schools for their loving
assistance. They sincerely hope that this event will encourage more students,
teachers, and parents to adopt a plant-based diet and to mitigate global
warming with practical actions.