All Species Are Equal in the Kingdom of Love

Equal Treatment to Animals
I hope that one day the human race wakes up. We have to know that animals are the same as us.

Proof from Scientific Research
It has been a common belief in our society that fish are non-intelligent beings. This theory is rapidly changing since new research shows that fish are actually socially intelligent creatures that do not deserve the reputation of “dim-wits” of the animal kingdom and instead they are cunning and even cultured.

What Do Animal Communicators Say
Actually, we don't have to use language to understand each other. We all have the telepathic ability within. After living with animals for a longer time, this telepathy develop gradually.

Intelligence, Smartness and Compassion in Nature
Most animals have younger brains than we do. For example, dogs have the brain or IQ of a ten-year-old; that's what we've been told, but sometimes it surprises me. Yet maybe they should have such a low or young IQ so that they can love unconditionally and innocently like kids.

The Sentient World of Animals
It has been said that the longer two people stay together as a couple, the more they look alike. Recent studies have also found that when people select a pet such as a dog, they often consciously or unconsciously pick one whose appearance resembles their own.

Human's Faithful Friends
Animal-assisted therapy has recently become a popular topic. It refers to treatment using qualified animals to improve patients’ physical, social, emotional and cognitive conditions. Many illnesses are caused by psychological influences.