Special Reports
![]() “Protect Our Home with L.O.V.E.” Climate Change Seminar
By Taichung News Group, Formosa (Originally in Chinese)
On October 11, Golden Year 6 (2009), our Association members in Formosa held a “Protect Our Home with L.O.V.E.” Climate Change Seminar at the National Chung Hsing University in Taichung. More than three thousand attended the event that gathered the suggestions and ideas of both local and international professionals, which were transformed into recommendations for practical actions regarding L.O.V.E.: Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability (LOHAS), Organics, Veganism, and Ecology. Also on display at the venue was the “L.O.V.E. Natural Living Art Exhibition,” which was jointly set up by 28 groups including The Taiwan Wilderness Society. The seminar began with talks by respected worldwide climate change experts, including the Chair Person of IPCC, Dr. Rajendra K. Pachauri, who sent a short video that expressed his sympathy to the victims of the August 8 flood disaster in Formosa, and also suggested a very effective solution for mitigating global warming—reduce the consumption of meat. Other speakers including Mr. Philippe Roch—former Director of the Swiss Agency for the Environment, Forests and Landscape (SAEFL), Ms. Live Kleveland—Legal Advisor and Press Contact of the Norwegian Animal Protection Alliance, Mr. Gilberto Natalini—Member of the City Council of San Paulo, Brazil, and Ms. Amelita S. Navarro—Mayor of Santiago City in the Philippines, all expressed their determination in protecting animal rights, and wished the seminar a great success. The President of the National Chung Hsing University, Dr. Shaw Jie-Fu, gave a speech reminding people to pay greater attention to the impact of global warming and climate change on Formosa. The first session of the seminar highlighted “The Impact of Global Climate Change,” and the two main speakers were Dr. Liu Shao-chen, Director of the Research Center for Environmental Changes, Academia Sinica, and Professor Liu Zhong-ming, Director of the Global Change Research Center of National Taiwan University. Dr. Liu pointed out that, should we fail to curb greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, global temperatures will rise 4 degrees and the top 10% of heavy rainfall in Formosa will increase by 5.6 times. Deeply concerned, he further stated that, if global warming continues, the drought conditions in Formosa will become worse as well, and there will be water shortages every spring. Also in southern Formosa, where there is almost no rain in winter now, the region could suffer from drought all year round in the future. In conclusion, Dr. Liu asked Supreme Master Ching Hai, “Are there any concrete ways to reduce GHG emissions?” Master replied, “According to the latest research findings, the livestock industry contributes to more than 50% of GHG emissions. If we can all become vegans and stop raising livestock, this 50% of GHG will be reduced immediately.” ![]() The second session of the seminar focused on “Living in Harmony with Nature.” The first two presenters were Mr. Lin Hong-rui, founder and general manager of the largest Chinese vegetarian Web site in the world—www.suiis.com, and Mr. Lin Xu Wen-er, Director of the Persimmon Cultural Enterprise Co. Ltd. and Vegeplanet.com. Both shared inspiring talks with the audience. In answering the question raised by Mr. Lin Xu Wen-er, Master said resolutely, “If we want to save our planet, our home, we must stop meat production at all costs!”
The third speaker was Miss Tan Ai-zhen, a vegetarian, artist and animal activist. With great sincerity she said, “I became a vegetarian because I couldn’t bear to eat the little animals.” Through living and interacting with the animals, she found that they not only have emotions and intelligence, but also have a lot that we can learn from them. Next, Mr. Luo Hong-xian, a man who switched from raising pigs to organic farming, and eventually became a vegan, shared with everyone the inspiring story of this turning point in his life, and advised other livestock farmers to also make the same change. Master commended Mr. Luo for being a shining example, for making the compassionate choice, the heroic choice—foregoing the livestock business and adopting the vegan diet. Master said if people can give up eating meat, the world will become heaven. In addition, it was a great honor to have Mayor Amelita S. Navarro of Santiago City, Philippines speak at the event. What is outstanding about Mayor Navarro is that on May 25, Golden Year 6 (2009), her City Council passed a resolution advocating the animal-free diet as a chief measure of mitigating global warming and improving public health. When interviewed by the media, she said, “Before the Philippines takes part in the Copenhagen Conference at the end of this year, we have already passed the Santiago City’s Resolution to officially promote the vegetarian diet as a solution to Global Warming in Santiago City. We hope that through supporting Supreme Master Ching Hai’s call to Be Veg! Go Green! Save the Planet! which is the most effective solution, we can find a chance of survival for the next generation in the Philippines and in the world.” Many attendees were profoundly inspired after knowing the truth about global warming and its relevant solutions. Professor Liu Shao-chen said during an interview, “We must do our utmost to advocate the animal-free diet. I hope this seminar today will receive due attention from the public, and thus motivate them to become vegetarians.” The Taiwan Television (TTV) News Team exclusively covered the event and broadcasted selected footage on their “Discover Taiwan Anew” program on October 24. Insightful ideas contributed by climate change experts at the seminar were published in the China Times and 5cg.com.tw. Both the working staff and guest attendees were very grateful for
being able to participate in this extraordinary and wondrous event
that conveyed one very important message: Each of us can do our part
to save the planet from this crisis by changing the way we live. The
whole world should adopt the L.O.V.E. (LOHAS, Organic, Vegan, Eco)
lifestyle as soon as possible to create a bright future for ourselves
and our descendants. To watch Supreme Master Television’s coverage of this videoconference, please visit: http://video.Godsdirectcontact.net/magazine/WOW1191s.php