Vegetarian Elite
A Wise and Compassionate Councillor of York
Compiled by UK News Group (Originally in English)

Mr. Paul Blanchard is a well-supported Councillor of York after having been re-elected for a second four-year term in 2007 by his constituents. He was also recognized for his achievement in promoting animal welfare. Mr. Blanchard was previously a vegetarian, but after learning about the immense cruelty involved in dairy and egg production, he made the transition to vegan and has since enjoyed increased energy, better health and lost a few extra, unwanted pounds of weight.

Two or three years ago, after reading about how a councilman in Chicago had successfully banned the sale and production of foie gras within the city, Mr. Blanchard decided to organize a similar movement in York and launched a website called “” to raise awareness about the production of such a so-called delicacy. His campaign was so successful that it received national and international media coverage, and up to 40,000 people visited the site. As a result, seven restaurants in York stopped selling foie gras. In recognition of his achievement, the animal welfare group PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) awarded Mr. Blanchard the “Most Progressive Politician Award” in 2008.

Being aware that people’s dietary choices have a significant impact upon the climate and the Earth’s limited resources, Mr. Blanchard said during an interview with Supreme Master TV, that more should be done to inform the general public of just how much damage their desire for cheap meat has upon the planet. He believes in human beings’ inherent goodness and that many have a naturally moral conscience. Therefore, if the facts regarding the dietary influence on the climate were to be brought strongly to the public’s attention, there would be a spontaneous reduction in the consumption of meat.

Mr. Blanchard fully supports the idea of Western governments taking a lead in this matter and would like to see more vegan MPs, as well as MPs in general, becoming increasingly aware of animal wellbeing issues and including them in their work, especially given the environmental consequences. Commenting on the growing trend in ethical consumerism, he said “We can already see that consumers are looking for more ethically sourced products, in terms of fair-trade, in terms of animal welfare, and so on, so the demand is there. I think the supply just needs to change to react to that demand, and indeed take a lead.”

Mr. Blanchard emphasized the importance of individual choice. He said that if thousands make a personal change, the effect is far, far greater. He called for vegetarians to think about switching to veganism as it is not such a difficult step, but it does have a great impact, considering the cruelty involved in the dairy and egg industries. Being determined to work for the noble cause of animal welfare, he said, “One of the reasons why I get out of bed in the morning is because it does need more and more people speaking up for this cause. I think it’s the next thing that’s going to change in terms of the evolution of consciousness of humanity.”

Bravo, Mr. Paul Blanchard, for your wise and courageous leadership. May more people share your vision of an elevated vegan world and switch to the compassionate diet.

To watch the Supreme Master Television interview with Paul Blanchard, please visit:


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