Priest Awarded for Promoting Noble Ethics
By Brazil News Group (Originally in Portuguese)
During a 2008 bioethics congress held in Bogota, Colombia, Father José Roque Junges stated that the solution to global warming lies not only in technology but also in the ethical attitudes of the world’s citizens and in behavioral changes based on noble principles and values. He also said that in his work, he tries to awaken in students “an ecological consciousness of a more ethical consumption that should reach one’s own diet,” adding that, “If we are not willing to change our habits, environmental issues will not be resolved.” On May 22, Golden Year 6 (2009), Professor Father José Roque Junges received the Shining World Hero Award from Supreme Master Ching Hai in recognition of his academic and scientific achievements and his promotion of a lifestyle based on reducing meat consumption which is harmful to both humans and the environment. The Award was presented on Master’s behalf by local Association members at the prestigious University of the Sinos Valley in São Leopoldo, Brazil. At the ceremony were the University Rector, Professor Father Marcelo Fernandes de Aquino, the Secretary of Environment of São Leopoldo, and a number of teachers and students.
Father Roque Junges humbly accepted the beautiful, pure crystal Award plaque as well as Supreme Master Ching Hai’s books and DVDs. He also graciously received a contribution of US$5,000 from Supreme Master Ching Hai for the Loyola Fund, which grants scholarships to students of the University. In a letter of appreciation, Father Roque Junges expressed his deep gratitude for the Award and thanked Supreme Master Ching Hai for the solidarity and compassionate love She reveals in Her books and DVDs. We congratulate Father José Roque Junges
for his brilliant work in educating young people to become more aware
of environmental issues and for contributing to the development of ethical
values that will build a better world based on morality and compassion.