Elevation of the Soul

Supreme Master Ching Hai’s
Latest DVDs


DVD-567 (Spoken in Chinese, with 10 choices of subtitles)
Three Fundamental Issues in Life
Group Meditation in Hsihu, Formosa
December 10, 1995

Once upon a time, there was a king who was perplexed by three questions: What is the best time to do something? Who are the most important partners? What is the most important thing to do? The king believed that if he knew the right answers, then he would never make a mistake. Are you perplexed by similar questions that had confounded the king in this story by the great Russian writer Leo Tolstoy? Enjoy the vivid and interesting explanation from Supreme Master Ching Hai, disclosing to you the true meaning of life and helping you live a life of harmony, free of regret.


DVD-665 (Spoken in English and Chinese, with 10 choices of subtitles)
Halloween Weekend with Supreme Master Ching Hai

Los Angeles Center, U.S.A.
October 30-31, 1999

Master encourages everyone to fully enjoy this festive occasion, because fun and relaxation are important in our spiritual journey. She also explains that we have two choices in life: to stand strong or to submit to our ego. We should be responsible for our own life and grow strong! We must try our best to use the wisdom we derive from meditation. In this way, we will develop our potential at work and feel satisfied with ourselves. We are the Light and the Sound. Therefore when we meditate with all our heart, we will be able to understand everything from the core, and thus accomplish our job quickly. If we think positively, feel grateful, and use our God-given talents, our life will be more colorful.


DVD-805 (Spoken in Chinese, with 12 choices of subtitles)
God Created Animals to Help Humans

The Dogs in My Life
Book Launch Videoconference
October 25, 2007

At the The Dogs in My Life book launch videoconference, Supreme Master Ching Hai shares enlightening dialogue with many honored guests regarding interesting stories about Her beloved dogs. Of particular interest were the topics of animals’ spirituality and the divine relationship between animals and humankind. “Scientists have proved that if you love animals and have a pet in your home, you will enjoy better health and be happier. And when we are happy, we attract good luck and draw a more joyful atmosphere to our home. Like attracts like!”


DVD-812 (Spoken in English, with 11 choices of subtitles)
An Enlightened Master’s All-Encompassing Dedication
Christmas Retreat Paris, France
December 23-24, 2007

Master Ching Hai shares many jokes with initiates, and with a touch of humor, compares the similarities and differences between a “President” and “Supreme Master.” She cleverly uses puns with a witty humor, drawing laughter and applause from the initiates. In setting aside Her supreme status and joking about Herself to create a wonderful time for disciples, Master demonstrates the easy flow of abundant love and selfless devotion from a great enlightened being. Her teaching by example is the most precious asset for the people of this world.


DVD-817  (Spoken in English, with 11 choices of subtitles)
Create a Beautiful and Virtuous World Together
Christmas Retreat Paris, France
December 26, 2007

At this critical juncture for our planet Earth, fellow initiates share with Supreme Master Ching Hai the numerous activities and services carried out by our Centers around the world. Through God’s blessings and the efforts of fellow initiates, many positive changes have come. Master reminds us that we still have to try our best to benefit the world. Promoting the vegetarian diet is not for health alone. The ultimate goal is to awaken the love in people’s hearts so that we can change the atmosphere of this planet and create a beautiful and virtuous world. Master also tells several jokes, to everyone’s delight, basking them in Her love.


DVD-819 (Spoken in English, with 12 choices of subtitles)
Laughing with Enlightenment

Christmas Retreat Paris, France
December 27, 2007

Supreme Master Ching Hai delights us once again with an abundance of hilarious jokes. Jokes bring happiness and laughter while revealing, through the characters in the stories, the common difficulties in our daily life and how they could be overcome from a positive and humorous perspective. Supreme Master Ching Hai teaches us that we can solve any problem by handling it with joy, regarding it as a path to self-realization and one that is based on laughter and happiness.



DVD-820 (Spoken in English, with 15 choices of subtitles)
Kabir and the True Spirit of Sainthood
Christmas Retreat Paris, France
December 27, 2007

In this loving gathering, Supreme Master Ching Hai reads a poem by Kabir and inspires us with the thought that everyone can be a saint. She says, “There’s no mystical thing about being a saint. Nothing at all! Just truly, your desire for God, that’s it. That’s the only ingredient, only requirement, that you really want to be with God, you really want to go Home. That’s all... You know that is your life and from now on you’re going to live by that. That’s all there is to sainthood.  Then nothing else can touch you. Nothing can change you. Nothing can make you trouble.”


DVD-841 (Spoken in English, with 24 choices of subtitles)
Climate Change International Conference – Supreme Master Ching Hai
with Hollywood Celebrities
Hollywood, California, USA
July 26, 2008

In this spectacular interactive Hollywood event, shown live to a global audience on Supreme Master Television, a distinguished gathering of scientists, politicians, journalists, Hollywood producers, and interfaith leaders come together with a group of prominent speakers that include renowned author Howard Lyman, and natural medical and nutritional specialists Dr. Gabriel Cousens and Dr. Will Tuttle, to discuss the rarely broached relationship between climate change and our everyday food choices.

The conference opens with a beautiful, heartfelt Lakota prayer, followed by a powerful address by former United Nations Environment Program Director, Dr. Ashok Khosla. With Jane Velez Mitchell, an Emmy Award-winning journalist, as the vibrant MC and a special, honored guest – world-renowned humanitarian Supreme Master Ching Hai - sharing Her wisdom and insights, the room is pervaded with compassionate inspiration. The audience is so moved by the multitude of positive effects a vegetarian diet has on curbing global warming that many people attending vow never to eat meat again!